Friday, February 22, 2002

Am feeling better physically. Emotionally: aloof bordering on numb. Need some fun. Quick fun. Did this test.

I'm Rogue
What X-Men Character are You?

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

I think I have strep throat. I am going to the doc at 11. Then a philosophy exam at 1. *sigh*

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

I went to Jo's Blog. She had a toy. So I played and this is what I got:

I'm a Fire Spirit

You are quick to take action and sometimes quick to judge. Your firey spirit is seen by most as positive energy and a true joy of life. If only your temper was seen the same way, but don't let it keep you from what you truly enjoy, being alive!
Well, well... look who's back? Yep, it's ME! Things have been so very busy with the new job. I love it - don't get me wrong - but there is just not enough "down time" as there used to be. Maybe Mikey and I can get internet at home soon. Yes, the computer arrived. Mikey stayed up very late last night to play with it.... I went to bed.

Last weekend was good. We all caravaned to Lagerdamm's Newbie Collegium, and I think the group really enjoyed themselves. Also, JEFF won the NEVERMORE TOURNEY, and JOE came in second in both the Nevermore and the PROTECTORATE tourneys, so I am very proud. John won the Protectorate tourney, which also makes me proud of the baby squire! I took my armor and fought some too. (Pick ups, not tourneys! However, I may enter the Fledgling tourney at Candlelight... we'll see.) I got to fight with SCOTT and he is really proud of my progress! STU did an outstanding job with all the fighting activities. (Go my Cousin!)

Speaking of progress, I have also lost another four pounds, taking my total pounds lost to 26!! Yes, I have lost 26 pounds since January 1. I hope this keeps up!

Well, I have to get back to work, but I just wanted to check in and blog a bit. Peace.