Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Hello goes out to my dear friend Ronda, who is a new reader to my Blog. HEY RONNIE!!!
Who's Your TV Crew?
Dawson’s Creek (Is anyone shocked?)
Stability is all you really look forward to in life. You like your friends just the way they are. Sure, stability means you get kinda annoyed when there's no ketchup for your morning breakfast ritual, and you must watch TRL at 3:30 on the dot. But you don't always have a stick up your butt. With the help of your girlfriends, you like to spice up your life every now and then -- but keep the changes subtle (like getting highlights instead of a complete dye job at the salon). You and your crew are definitely semi-pretentious -- the words "Kafka-esque", "Neal Pollack" and "French New Wave" are part of your vocab. For the most part, your crew's a buncha homebodies -- roaming too far sometimes gives you a panic attack.
And, Which WB Character Are You?
Joey Potter
Everyone knows you as the smart girl. The girl with direction. The girl who's going somewhere on the strength of her inner character and hard work. And that's totally you. In school, you work hard, stay focused, and succeed. But you're not exactly what anyone would call the stereotypical high school geek or anything. You're part good girl-next-door, sure. But you're also part stubborn bee-yatch and part angst-ridden drama queen. You just internalize all your raging emotions so you can present a successful façade to the world. And while all your accomplishments are gonna take you far, it wouldn't hurt you to let loose once in a while. You know, party a little. Dance without worrying if people are watching you. You'd be a much happier person if you did.

You never know when Joey's gonna take off on another boat trip with Pacey. So if she disappears for good next time, consider yourself equally able to step into the shoes of these brainy babes: Elena Tyler (Felicity) or Isabelle Evans (Roswell).
Heh, heh... :o) I just took the FUNNIEST Quiz: Are you a HOOCHIE?
Halfway to Hoochieville
You're almost a hoochie, but not quite. Yeah, your wardrobe has some pretty scary articles in it -- you are a bit of a trend whore -- but when you leave your house, you always seem to look sort of, well...presentable. But watch out, one wrong accessory could turn you from tasteful to tacky! You walk a fine line, girlfriend. Be careful. Ditto in the interpersonal relationships -- catfights are bad!

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Oh, good. I finally got my Blog to looking right again. It was kinda caddywhumpus for most of the day!
Look, a bandwagon. Look again.. there's me jumping on it. :o)

I'm so like Homer!

I'm Homer, who are you? by Lexi
So, here's my project from last year's Kingdom Arts and Sciences

You can click on it to see a larger image. I am so very proud of this project!
Heh, heh.. go here and you'll see what I assume is Mikey's take on the Oscars. :o)
Happy Tuesday. (?) I think I am gonna move some stuff around on my side panel on my Blog today. As time allows, of course. :o)

Friday, March 22, 2002

Hmmm.... Da' Clique may have a slight alteration to make.... according to this Who are you in the band? Quiz, I am:

Don't think of yourself as the second in command (which you're not), think of yourself as the person with mad skills who likes to show 'em off whenever she can. You thrive on showing up all your competitors, be it in school or fighting for the TV remote at home. It's not like you don't long for the spotlight in and of itself, though. You -- like Tom Delonge and Staind's Mike Mushok -- just want everyone to notice how good you are at whatever it is you decide to do. And when you decide to do something, you work at it until you're the best out there. Still, when the spotlight does happen to shine on you, you're perfectly happy to bask in its glow. Basically, you work hard to develop your natural abilities, and then you let those abilities speak for themselves. Cool, huh?
Happy FRIDAY!!! All is well so far today. Stu is coming up tonight!!!! I get cousin time this weekend, with bonus taco ring!!!! YIPPIE!! Also, I get to go have lunch with Bryan at 2 before he leaves for MidSouth Con. Philosophy class is at 1... yeah, today is looking pretty good so far.

And, Aldridge sent this to me. Actually, it is part of the e-mail of stupid things that people say in court. (Real, legal ones, not SCA ones!):
Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?
A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy.

Funny stuff!

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Don't you just love on-line tests? :o)

You're Snickers!

You're a classic. You're popular. What else could you ask for? Maybe a taste in music, but that's up to you.

See what Care Bear you are.

And, here's a site that Shannon sent to me. For those who wonder about female fighters ....
Women Knights in the Middle Ages
Thanks Shannon!

What LoTR Character Are You?

Happy Wednesday! Guess who has a very large Fine Arts Musical exam at 5? Oh, that would be me. Guess who's studying last night hasn't stuck in her head? Oh wait, that would be me too. Am I stressed? Mmm, lessee... when a person with a 3.65 gpa gets her midterm grades and on those midterm grades is a D in a class.... you tell me if I'm stressed or not. :o)

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Ah, Tuesday. And that's about it. Today is going to be BUSY with checksheet work. I have already gotten THREE e-mails from the Registrar's office about checksheet problems, plus I have 7 that I am processing right now. *sigh*

On to good news, welcome to Bobby and Tim as readers of my Blog!

Quick results of today's test:

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

Monday, March 18, 2002

Pause the fun for just a second...I have spent the last 15 minutes UNSUBSCRIBING from mailing lists that I never signed up for... and I still have several to do. (This is on my Yahoo account.) *sigh*
And now, for today's test....

Which tarot card are you?

But what does it MEAN? I must go investigate.....
GOOD NEWS!!! JACE has some new stuff up on his page!!!!
Good Morning, Real World. Hi Stu! Hi Jocelyn! - My two biggest (only?) Blog Fans!

Well, I must say, Gulf Wars was quite the hoot. I got to see lots of old friends, do lots of shopping!, and just chilled for three days. I got out of here early on Thursday, but even though Misty was scheduled to get off at 3, she didn't. In fact, she called me at 3:30 saying she had just gotten a food break, and had to go back to work. *sigh* So, we left at around 8 Thursday night, and got to site at 2 a.m. Mikey was asleep by the campfire when we got there. Mer and Scott had gone to bed, but Mer had asked that I wake them up when we arrived. So, pretty much we went to sleep.

We got up Friday morning around 9 and hit the shower. Then Misty, Sara, Mer and I went to town for supplies. We got back and tried to go to the Oils and Vinegars class, but the person who was going to teach it did not go to the war. So, Mer and I went shopping. She started feeling yucky again, so I walked her back to camp and then came back and met up with Misty and Sara and we shopped. Well, I wound up spending $150 on a GOREGOUS outfit that would have normally cost me $450. Mikey really, really liked it. Then we got back to camp, ate dinner, and went to Meridian Court for THREE HOURS!!!! In the end, it was Mikey, Misty, Marvin, Big Jon, Charlie, Angie, and me sitting in a group, with Brandr and Camilla a few seats down. Let me tell you, Charlie and Jon had us cracking up. Then, Marvin had this quiet dialogue going too, and he was just real funny. We all then went back to camp, and Angie and Vebrand had their FINAL final Baronial Court. Angie gave Charlie, Marvin, Jon, Scott, Brandr, Mikey and Kerry their Brooms. It was so very funny. (Wait, who am I forgetting.... there's one more besides Stu...) After Baronial Court, we gathered around the fire. Eventually Sara, Misty and Me went with Scott, Charlie and Jon to Shadow Legion camp to get Stu so Angela could give him his broom. We get to Legion camp, and Stu is dancing around the campfire, singing Jonny Jump Up. We get him to come with us (he used Jon for support to walk) back to camp. The walk back was funny, because Jon is 6' 8" and Stu is 5' 5"... it is just too funny to translate to Blog...Well, we get back to camp, and merriment as usual ensues. Stu got to sit on the bear...someone took pictures...

Saturday brought going to Herald's Point and getting the McRegan badge submitted. We had to make changes, but at last we are going to be official. Scott also got his name and device documentation done and Misty got her stuff submitted as well. Woo HOO!!!
Then, Mer and I went and grilled sandwiches for the Gleann Abhann warriors. (The Barony of Small Gray Bear has started a great tradition of feeding the fighters on the field on the day of the big battle. Camilla and others did an outstanding job on the organizing and I am glad that I got to volunteer to help with the cooking again this year.) Then all of the ladies involved with working on the lunch - after all the sandwiches were gone and cleanup was done - went back to camp and sat around and talked. It was a very nice experience. Then we all went and took showers. Shopping with the boys came next, followed by dinner and hanging out.

Scott, Mer, Misty, Mike and I broke down camp early, sat around the campfire with everyone til about 1, and then went to Hattiesburg to grab a hotel. Around the campfire was great, because everyone just sat and sang and goofed. Then we had bards from Ansteorra come and sing for us. Tiggy, the Bard of Ansteorra, told the story that earned him his title, plus sang other pieces. Scott sang his Small Gray Bear song, and it was just great. Stu performed his "I'm Just a Squire" and others. (STU, I want the words to that song, please.) This is such an abbreviated tale of all the songs and stories and total enjoyment. You just have to be there to experience it all.

Outstanding moments from the war:

"By the Gloves of BRANDR!"
Brotherhood of the Broom
Beintheinne became a full Shire
McRegan's Badge finally submitted

Many, many more, but I have to leave for Philosophy class! :o)

Thursday, March 14, 2002

Guess who's going to GULF WARS? Oooh, oooh, *waving hand Horshack style* I know! I know! ME!!! Right here! I get to go!! SEVEN hours and counting.... *sigh*

And you know what the funniest part is? The main reason I want to go is so I can see Mikey again. Yes, the guy I'm married to. The guy who left JUST YESTERDAY. I am pitiful without him. I confess. Hey, when you've been with someone for almost ten years, you get attached. I just want to get to him and have a massive Mikey hug. * blissful sigh* :o)

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Well, here we are... day three of Spring Break. Wonder how everyone is... Mike left for Gulf Wars today. Regan caught the stomach flu :o( so Scott and Mer were delayed in leaving. However, it's kind of a lucky break. S&M brought Regan up here today, and the timing worked out so that Mike and Scott and Mer all left together! :o)

So, I have been passing the time by working. And when I am not working, I am doing online tests. Woo HOO! The latest results are:

My alignment is: You have 3 points towards Lawful. You have 1 points towards Evil. You are True Neutral.

Am I a feminist? My score: 82 My results: Not too bad, but you can do better. Keep working on it- maybe try kicking a few guys wherever you want to, then start lighting them on fire. Slow and steady wins the race, okay? You've got a long way to go, but I think you'll survive.

The Dream Interpretation Quiz I am On Top of the World
Congratulations! Your quiz score reveals that you feel strong, confident and in control. Maybe you recently found the love of your life, or perhaps your boss is finally rewarding you for the all the extra business you've been bringing into the office. Whatever the case, you feel secure with yourself and ready to take on any future challenges. Just remember, there are some things in life that we can never control -- so if you slip from your pedestal of power from time to time, don't be too hard on yourself.

Monday, March 11, 2002

Hello World!

Things are just fine here. Spring Break started today, and that means that campus is quiet. (THANK GOD, because we can now catch up on our paperwork around here!)

The weekend was good. Angie and the kids came up. And Shannon and Sara came and stayed with Jeff. Saturday night was neat, because everyone wound up at our house. We ate takeout from Dragon City and sat around and talked. Sunday, we went to fighter practice and visited. Mike and I neither one wanted to fight. Jeff didn't either. So we all just visited. Sunday night we went to Dixie for dinner, then to Books to take Ed some food. Shannon and I wound up having a long heart-to-heart and I think we now understand where the other one is coming from. It's all good.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002