Friday, May 31, 2002

So, did ya MISS ME?! Yeah, I missed me too.... no seriously.. work has been rather, ahem, INTERESTING this week.

It was officially announced yesterday that they will be looking to split the College of Arts and Sciences in two. Snippet of the official word, courtesy of our Interim Vice President: "We are at a point in our history that demands that a research-scientist-dean begin to devote unusual attention to the interaction of our scientists and mathematicians with the new ABI initiative. It is my strong opinion that what we currently refer to as liberal arts will be ill served by such a demand on a dean’s attention. Accordingly, I think it imperative that we provide our liberal arts departments (by which I mean to include departments within the humanities and social sciences) with focused leadership and advocacy." So, we shall see as time goes on. And, of course, I'll post updates here.

On to other the bedroom repainted over the Memorial Day holiday. The walls are lavender, and the accents are my usual dusty blue and dusty green. I cannot believe I made my room over to match my Monet prints, but you gotta go with what you love, yes? :o)

Okay, that's it for me now. Oh, my friend Daniel is also now a blog reader. Everyone say Hi to Daniel!

Everyone, have a safe weekend. Peace.

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