Monday, November 27, 2006

Manly Revelations

So today, one of the men that I have much respect for asked me a question. He asked me what I look for in a man. Now, keep in mind that everyone knows that I am madly in love with Mike, so this is not a "what do you think is hot?" kind of question. It is basically a continuation of a discussion about what we look for in those that we hold close to us.

I, upon sincere reflection, came up with my list, which I then sent to my friend. It is as follows:

Confident, but not cocky.
Strong of character.
Deliciously wicked sense of humor.
A backbone.
Gives snuggly good hugs.
A great smile.
Challenges me.
Someone I can trust. 
Yeah, trust is a big one.
Thinks his grandma was awesome.
Can match me step for step and can keep up with me.

Someone that makes my heart stop when he walks in the room.

Know what? This taught me something about myself. It taught me that I have finally, FINALLY evolved somewhat as a human and that I actually am looking for depth of character instead of just superficial fluff. I didn't discuss deep brown eyes or well-developed arms. The closest I got to listing a physical attribute is "a great smile". That is not so much the physical pearly- white-teeth-slightly-pouty-lips-crooked-grin definition, but rather the deep, sincere, opening of the soul that is conveyed by someone smiling at you.

I think I am beginning to get it.

1 comment:

Robbin said...

And this is why I am married to Moose.