Wednesday, March 27, 2002

And, Which WB Character Are You?
Joey Potter
Everyone knows you as the smart girl. The girl with direction. The girl who's going somewhere on the strength of her inner character and hard work. And that's totally you. In school, you work hard, stay focused, and succeed. But you're not exactly what anyone would call the stereotypical high school geek or anything. You're part good girl-next-door, sure. But you're also part stubborn bee-yatch and part angst-ridden drama queen. You just internalize all your raging emotions so you can present a successful façade to the world. And while all your accomplishments are gonna take you far, it wouldn't hurt you to let loose once in a while. You know, party a little. Dance without worrying if people are watching you. You'd be a much happier person if you did.

You never know when Joey's gonna take off on another boat trip with Pacey. So if she disappears for good next time, consider yourself equally able to step into the shoes of these brainy babes: Elena Tyler (Felicity) or Isabelle Evans (Roswell).

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