Monday, March 18, 2002

Good Morning, Real World. Hi Stu! Hi Jocelyn! - My two biggest (only?) Blog Fans!

Well, I must say, Gulf Wars was quite the hoot. I got to see lots of old friends, do lots of shopping!, and just chilled for three days. I got out of here early on Thursday, but even though Misty was scheduled to get off at 3, she didn't. In fact, she called me at 3:30 saying she had just gotten a food break, and had to go back to work. *sigh* So, we left at around 8 Thursday night, and got to site at 2 a.m. Mikey was asleep by the campfire when we got there. Mer and Scott had gone to bed, but Mer had asked that I wake them up when we arrived. So, pretty much we went to sleep.

We got up Friday morning around 9 and hit the shower. Then Misty, Sara, Mer and I went to town for supplies. We got back and tried to go to the Oils and Vinegars class, but the person who was going to teach it did not go to the war. So, Mer and I went shopping. She started feeling yucky again, so I walked her back to camp and then came back and met up with Misty and Sara and we shopped. Well, I wound up spending $150 on a GOREGOUS outfit that would have normally cost me $450. Mikey really, really liked it. Then we got back to camp, ate dinner, and went to Meridian Court for THREE HOURS!!!! In the end, it was Mikey, Misty, Marvin, Big Jon, Charlie, Angie, and me sitting in a group, with Brandr and Camilla a few seats down. Let me tell you, Charlie and Jon had us cracking up. Then, Marvin had this quiet dialogue going too, and he was just real funny. We all then went back to camp, and Angie and Vebrand had their FINAL final Baronial Court. Angie gave Charlie, Marvin, Jon, Scott, Brandr, Mikey and Kerry their Brooms. It was so very funny. (Wait, who am I forgetting.... there's one more besides Stu...) After Baronial Court, we gathered around the fire. Eventually Sara, Misty and Me went with Scott, Charlie and Jon to Shadow Legion camp to get Stu so Angela could give him his broom. We get to Legion camp, and Stu is dancing around the campfire, singing Jonny Jump Up. We get him to come with us (he used Jon for support to walk) back to camp. The walk back was funny, because Jon is 6' 8" and Stu is 5' 5"... it is just too funny to translate to Blog...Well, we get back to camp, and merriment as usual ensues. Stu got to sit on the bear...someone took pictures...

Saturday brought going to Herald's Point and getting the McRegan badge submitted. We had to make changes, but at last we are going to be official. Scott also got his name and device documentation done and Misty got her stuff submitted as well. Woo HOO!!!
Then, Mer and I went and grilled sandwiches for the Gleann Abhann warriors. (The Barony of Small Gray Bear has started a great tradition of feeding the fighters on the field on the day of the big battle. Camilla and others did an outstanding job on the organizing and I am glad that I got to volunteer to help with the cooking again this year.) Then all of the ladies involved with working on the lunch - after all the sandwiches were gone and cleanup was done - went back to camp and sat around and talked. It was a very nice experience. Then we all went and took showers. Shopping with the boys came next, followed by dinner and hanging out.

Scott, Mer, Misty, Mike and I broke down camp early, sat around the campfire with everyone til about 1, and then went to Hattiesburg to grab a hotel. Around the campfire was great, because everyone just sat and sang and goofed. Then we had bards from Ansteorra come and sing for us. Tiggy, the Bard of Ansteorra, told the story that earned him his title, plus sang other pieces. Scott sang his Small Gray Bear song, and it was just great. Stu performed his "I'm Just a Squire" and others. (STU, I want the words to that song, please.) This is such an abbreviated tale of all the songs and stories and total enjoyment. You just have to be there to experience it all.

Outstanding moments from the war:

"By the Gloves of BRANDR!"
Brotherhood of the Broom
Beintheinne became a full Shire
McRegan's Badge finally submitted

Many, many more, but I have to leave for Philosophy class! :o)

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