Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Heh, heh. I just LOVE my cousin Stu ! He went and took the What Kind of Shoe are You? test. So, I am now inspired to do the same.

I am a: Warm Fuzzy Slipper
Start squeezing the fresh OJ and fetch the paper from the porch. You're as cozy as a Warm Fuzzy Slipper. That's right. Given the choice, you'd take hanging at home with a friend over hitting a rave party any night. But that doesn't mean you're complacent. It's just that you might have gotten the crazy partier out of your system and are more content to be home, shopping from catalogs and being comfortable with who you are. Homespun gatherings are more your style—unless, of course, the annual art fair lures you out to mingle with friends in the neighborhood.

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